Team:Beijing HDFLS High/Team


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Who we are?


Our team logo is "HW". It represents the Chinese pronunciation for "Beijing Hai Dian Foreign Language School". The blue and green colors that make up the "HW" logo will be carried on by future teams from our school that take part in iGEM. The red and yellow colors signifying "iGEM" represent sunlight and hope to every member in our team. Thus it will remind us to shine as brightly as we can even when facing insurmountable odds.

We not only have a deeply seeded passion and interest in the iGEM project, but are extremely fond of hands-on, laboratory work, and biological knowledge. Once we finalized our decision on the iGEM project we accepted the procedure would likely be very troublesome and frustrating work. However, no one on our team complained or had any intentions of giving up. We embraced the process the project, not the consequence. Everyone aspired to work as a well oiled machine by using, communication, cooperation, and teamwork. We focused our energy on using a synthetic bacteria which is useful in daily life. Our weekly schedule consisted of Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We grew to embrace these two days as our favorite of the week! We are all anxiously looking forward to the next steps of this process.




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I majored in molecular biology and recieved a Doctorate degree from The Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and published a paper about UV radiation-responsive proteins in rice Leaves by proteomic analysis in the academic journal: "Plant Cell and Physiology". The iGEM competition is interesting for me and my students. The process of preparing for the competition was hard, but fun, and exciting for us. It improved the ability of our students and promoted friendship between them.
Team idea
During the early development of the project, nearly everyone on our team came up with multiple ideas about synthetic biology. Many of them were devoted to the improvement or protection of the environment. Others focused on detection and induction. Finally, after many discussions, the team concluded that Lydia’s project about UV was more practical and easy to implement. So our team focused its dedication to studying UV intensity and research.



I'm the Chemistry & Computer instructor for this team. It's my honor and pleaure to have worked with Sophia and this entire team of accomplished students.



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My name is Yu Hanwu. My English name is Abby.

I am outgoing and easily make friends with everyone I meet. I like to travel, watch movies as well as read books. As the captain of the team, I hope we can work together and improve everyone's abilities. I hope everyone can learn something form this meaningful and special experience.
My idea:ocean acidity.
Firstly, I suggested decreasing ocean acidity by looking for an E. coli which would attract carbon dioxide and change color. Because the ocean is becoming more acidic due to dissolved carbon dioxide. If carbon dioxide continues to be emitted at the current rate during the 22nd century, the pH value of the oceans will decline to 0.5. Such a drastic change will greatly affect to marine life, which will include the death of a large number of creatures, especially the coral reef. So I suggested that we sprinkle an ideal E.coli into sea, this bacteria can quickly absorb carbon dioxide and float to the surface of the sea. By noting this apparent color change, scientists can pay more attention to the affected area and take appropriate measures.


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My name is LYDIA,nickname is noodles.

I was born 09.01.1997
Hobby:surfing on the internet(watch Korean variety shows),Photography,and guitar
Personality: optimist but a little bit shy
Motto: Misfortune may be an actual blessing
My ideas: a bacteria to detect UV levels & a bacteria to help people express their emotions
Idea 1: The bacteria can pass a test of different levels of color. Just set the UV index to 5 as the boundary, less than or equal to 5 the bacteria will be red, more than 5 will be green. People can hang the bacteria product out door or hang it in a bag. The bacteria are not in direct contact with the human body, so there is no damage to people.
Idea 2: This product will produce the following two parts, the first part is a group of bacteria that can be implanted in the body, after implantation into the human body, this group of bacteria can sense all the information in your body, then they will send this information to the second part of the main information bacteria. The main information from the bacteria is sent to the bacteria population. As different information is transferred from the bacteria it will reflect different colors, so people can directly observe the mood of a friend through the color of a glass bottle.


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Hi! My name is Jane.

I’m 16. I live in Beijing. I like to meet new friends. Sometimes my friends think I’m a little bite different. But then again are not most scientists considered different or even a bit on the crazy side? I enjoy biology very much. Tennis is my favorite sport. My favorite tennis player is Novak Djokovic. I think if we have a dream we have to strive for it.
My Idea:detect pesticide residues.
I propose the use of a new synthetic gene of E. coli to detect when pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables have exceeded safe levels. It includes the implantation of a fluorescent protein in E. coli and the use of a detector. If pesticide residues exceed acceptable levels the fluorescent protein begin to flourece. As the water soaked cells become saturated we can detect whether the levels have been excessived. If this study is successful, we can replace some of the current market "Pesticide residue speed measuring devices" in use saving both time and money.

Qi Yue

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I am Qi Yue from Beijing Haidian Foreign Language School.

I am a senior high student. I was born in September 1995. I am an individual. My motto is ”I am myself , never be the same as another”. I think the existence of every person has a reason as part of an extraordinary part world. The signification is simple. I am left-handed, and have always be recognized as a wise person. Growing up I never aware of this being odd. But socially being left-handed you are thought of as a person that is good at brainstorming. However, the down side to that is that others think we are kind of outcasts with strange ideas. Regardless, I don’t think that’s a bad thing . I embrace it it as a gift.

Zhao Gejingwa

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Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Gejing. I was a member of the iGEM group.

I am very interested in biology and i like to play the piano and the guitar.I love music. I am good at science and biology. In addition I love nature.I am very interested in animals.My dream is becoming a doctor. I like iGEM project,our team, and I hope that I can contribute my strengths to our team.
My Idea: Improving Marine Environment.
Oil pollution destroys the ecological balance of the oceans . The layer of oil on the surface of the water separates the atmosphere and seawater and will interfere the amount of dissolved oxygen in seawater. Thus, decreasing the amount of oxygen. At the same time, the oil film prevents marine plants from conducting photosynthesis causing marine animals to die due from the lack of oxygen. If we could find a bacteria that can not only tolerate salinity, float on the water, and also provide marine life a way to continue photosynthesis, like fluoresce, we can reduce harm to sea life. Creating an environment that stops harm to these precious sea creatures.

Xing Zilin

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My name is Xing Zilin.

My character is not very personable. I don't like to talk to strangers. I am very passionate about biology. Beginning in primary school to I have been interested in a reptiles, especially iguanas, chameleons, monitor lizards, tortoises turtles, large pythons. I envy them because of their simplistic design and beautiful color. I am highly interested in participating on this project. I believe the results are not as important as the process and the knowledge we gain along the way. I am looking forward to the curriculum and the course. I hope we can work and improve ourselves as a team.


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Hey, evertone, my name is Andy.

I am from class 1 grade 10. I joined the iGEM team of HW. Why did I make this choice? One of the main reasons is to learn something not only about Synthetic Biology but about my future life. People here are friendly and kind. And I am glad to be here for this introduction about myself. Realistically, I am not good at biology. But I promise myself I will study hard for the team. Math and English are my favorite subjects. Harvard is the college of my dreams. In my spare time, I like to play basketball and other games. I wish to have a great relationship with the others on our team. In a relationship, there are certain amount of consideration and factors that people must take into account in a very serious manner. So I hope we can achieve more as a team than as individuals.

Men Xuyang

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Hello, everyone, I’m Men Xuyang from class 4 senior 2.

I’m very outgoing and good at getting along with others. My hobbies are watching movies, playing tennis…And my motto is just like the sentence from <The Pursuit of Happyness>:You got a dream, you got to protect it. You want some,go to get it. There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I. So I believe we could win only if we do our best!
My idea: Develop a acidity level tool for plants
It utilizes a pH sensing and modifying bacteria to monitor the environment of planting soil for acid plants. The goal is to chain a pH sensor to turn on a hydrogen pump, effectively acidifying any area deemed too basic. This bacteria could replace the common use of directly applying acids. The benefits would include a self sustained system that constantly monitors and adjusts pH for an ideal environment.

Shen Meizhang

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Age: 16 Birthday: 09.21.1996 Hobby: basketball, table tennis, badminton, books, international chess

I am outgoing and like to be friends with others. There are many challenges in our lives and I prefer to face these challenges with a light heart. My teacher taught me that we should always have a calm attitude when solving any problem. Because of his guidance, I have been able to comprehend a great deal of new experiences and feelings. A single mind is not always enough, it’s easier to finish difficult work if I one has the courage to ask for help from another.

Wang Qiao

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My name is Wang Qiao.

I study in Haidian Foreign Language Experimental School. I am not what you would consider a top student. But I have a drive to be involved in this contest. I like to play basketball and various sports. I am currently on the school swim team. I also like to surf the internet and watch movies. I spend time reading books at school. In short, I was an ordinary boy, but I believe that this time I will do something extraordinary.

Zhao Ziding

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Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Ziding.

Name: Zhao Ziding Nicknames: Xiaobai Age: 16 Date of Birth: 1997.02.03 Hobby: Music, Guqin, games, sleeping Dream: Although it is not realistic, but I would like to cure cancer Education: High School Self-evaluation: I think I have a cheerful disposition. I never worry about anything. Maybe I am not the best one, but I will be the best. I am easy to get along with and I have good teamwork and organizational skills.
My idea:prevent red tide.
I very interested in the red tide . Because of the accumulation of lots of phytoplankton, protozoa and bacteria, the water changes color. And the red tide will cause many creatures to die of oxygen deficit or poisoning. Therefore, I thought that maybe we can find a bacteria which can infect the phytoplankton by carrying a kind of virus. So that the red tide will be wipe away.

Gong Heyi

Hey, everybody, my name is Gong Heyi.

My name is Gong Heyi, a student from GAC G123. My scores in my class is neither very high nor very low, but I have a really strong sense of interest in biology, for my parent are both teachers in the department of biology in CAU. I like to talk, maybe I talk all the time and just can not stop. I am good at making friends who are next to me to laugh. My favorite sport is tennis, but now I seldom go and play basketball in order to make myself healthier. I don’t like to read books; I only read books which I like to read. My memory is quite good, but I suck at it when it comes to tests. All in all, I am a very ordinary high school student, so I hope I can make a change of myself in this act!

Li Haoze

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My name is Li Haoze.I feel very proud to be one of the team members

My hobby is reading books and biology study. I like playing computer games. I am good at science, my biological performance is good, but not English is general. I am not good at self-control. I hope that I can contribute my strengths in the team.
My idea: Use a bacteria to recycle our used papers.
My idea: Use a bacteria to recycle used papers. By putting the ferment of The decomposition of pigment into E.coli and culture, we can sprinkle the tiny bacteria on the used paper. And then, we can have a brand new paper!

Fang Jinglun

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Hello everyone. My name is Fang Jinglun, from class 4 senior 2.I am a outgoing boy , and I’d love to get on well with others , and I hope that we can get along well with each other. My hobby is reading , especially about history , and I like play computer game , anyway . In this group , I am going to win the golden prize bravely with the team , come on !
My idea: Invent a kind of bacteria in order to detect the release of formaldehyde
formaldehyde is oxidation in the body, produce the alcohol, when alcohol concentration reaches a certain value, the red light will be made by the fluorescent protein, tip here is harmful to human body. Can be used in home decoration paint on. It is very essential for the house which is just decorated.

Dong Yubo

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Hi!I am Bob!I am a pretty outgoing and optimstic boy who is interested in all kinds of atracttive things.Besides,I will try my best to make our group better.Moreover, I hope we will have an unforgettable time uniting together to overcome all the problems and make great progress eventually!

My idea:make a bacteria to find the changes of temperature
I’d like to create a bacteria that can respond the changing of our temperature by discoloring. I wants to design a bacteria, it shows red when the temperature is high(it’s hot outside), while it becomes blue if the temperature is quite low(it’s cold outside). I also advices that we can use it to draw a smiling face. The dual--colored face will tell people the weather outside, and that kind of clothes to wear. All in all, my idea was made for people’s daily life.

LI xuhao


My name is xuhao li. I am 16 years old. I live in Beijing. I love playing music games , playing guitar and exercising . I am outgoing and friendly. And I am an excellent student, I studied very hard at school. Though my biology is not very good , however, I learned a lot from this team(igem). My main job in the team was designing our overalls, connecting the clothing stores , the whole progress was tiring but happy!