Team:AUC TURKEY/HumanPractices/iGEMism/Posters


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  * Much thanks to primary contributer Ponticlaro (
  * Much thanks to primary contributer Ponticlaro (
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}(';(8($){6 t={};6 u=0;$.P={1D:\'2.0.1\',1z:8(a){9 a.2i(/^.*#/,\'\').2i(/\\?.*$/,\'\')},29:8(a){5(!a)9 O;a=$.P.1z(a);9 t[a]},1d:8(a){6 b=$.P.29(a);5(!b)9 y;6 c=b.1C;c.1d(b);9 F},1U:8(a,b){6 c=$.P.29(a);5(!c)9 y;6 d=c.1C;5(!(!b||b==d))9 y;9 d.2q(c.E)}};6 v={2d:3t,J:20,1u:3l,2D:y,2E:F,1m:7,1X:\'\',1Y:\'\',1Z:\'\',21:\'\',2L:F,2M:F,1a:\'3b\',1c:\'3a\',2a:\'3o\',2c:\'2T\',2e:\'2T &31;\',1B:\'&38; 3c\',16:y,2P:F,1E:y,2O:y,1G:2N,1J:O,1K:O,1M:O,1N:O,1P:O,1Q:O,1R:O};$.3d.P=8(o){$.2J(4,{1D:$.P.1D,18:y,Q:O,1b:8(e,a){4.V();5(!4.16){6 b=$.P.1z($(a).L(\'K\'));$.P.1d(b);e.S()}},3j:8(a){4.1y(a,y,y);9 4},3k:8(a,b){4.1y(a,y,F,b);9 4},1y:8(b,c,d,f){6 g=(2V b==="3p")?$(b):b;6 h=g.x(\'a.3s\');6 i=h.L(\'K\');6 j=h.L(\'G\');6 k=g.x(\'.1x\').1w();6 l=h.L(\'2y\');u++;5(!l||t[\'\'+l]){l=u}5(!d)f=4.w.A;6 m={G:j,1L:i,1x:k,C:l,1C:4,E:f};5(d){4.w.2w(f,0,m);4.1O(f)}B{4.w.3u(m)}6 n=4;5(!c){4.1q(8(){6 a=n.x(\'1i.1j\');5(d)a.1V(\':26(\'+f+\')\').3v(g);B a.H(g);5(n.1Q)n.1Q(m,g)})}t[\'\'+l]=m;h.L(\'13\',\'11\').L(\'K\',\'#\'+l).3w(\'2y\').1h(8(e){n.1b(e,4)});9 4},2q:8(a){5(a<0||a>=4.w.A)9 y;6 b=4.w[a];5(!b)9 y;4.2v(b);9 F},1U:8(a){9 $.P.1U(a,4)},2v:8(b){6 c=b.E;4.w.2w(c,1);3z t[\'\'+b.C];4.1q(8(){6 a=p.x(\'1i.1j\').1V(\':26(\'+c+\')\').1w();5(p.1R)p.1R(b,a)});4.1O(c);9 4},1O:8(a){3A(i=a;i<4.w.A;i++){4.w[i].E=i}9 4},2r:8(){4.w=[];6 a=4;4.x(\'1i.1j > 2k\').2j(8(i){a.1y($(4),F,y)});9 4},2h:y,2g:8(){5(4.1u==0)9 4;4.X=4.N.E;6 a=4.12(4.X);9 4.1f(4.X,a)},2U:8(a){4.X=a;9 4},1f:8(a,b){5(a!=4.X){6 c=4.12(4.X);9 4.1f(4.X,c)}6 d=4;6 e=b-a;5(e<0)e=4.w.A-1-a+b;5(!(!(4.1u>=0)||!(e>4.1u))){1l(8(){d.1f(a,b)},3D);9 4}6 f=4.w[b];5(!f)9 4;5(f.U)9 4.28(a,b);6 g=2l 2m();g.2n=8(){f.U=4;d.28(a,b)};g.2o=f.G;g.2p=f.1L;9 4},28:8(a,b){6 c=4.12(b);5(c==a){4.2h=F}B{6 d=4;1l(8(){d.1f(a,c)},3C)}9 4},12:8(a){6 b=a+1;5(b>=4.w.A)b=0;9 b},27:8(a){6 b=a-1;5(b<0)b=4.w.A-1;9 b},V:8(){4.18=y;5(4.Q){2s(4.Q);4.Q=O}5(4.$M){4.$M.x(\'z.1e-R a\').19().1g(\'14\').L(\'G\',4.1a).L(\'K\',\'#14\').2x(4.1a)}9 4},14:8(){4.18=F;5(4.$M){4.$M.x(\'z.1e-R a\').19().1g(\'V\').L(\'G\',4.1c).L(\'K\',\'#V\').2x(4.1c)}5(!4.Q){6 a=4;4.Q=1l(8(){a.1H()},4.2d)}9 4},2z:8(){5(4.18)4.V();B 4.14();9 4},1H:8(){5(4.18)4.17(F);9 4},17:8(a,b){4.W(4.12(4.N.E),a,b);9 4},1p:8(a,b){4.W(4.27(4.N.E),a,b);9 4},2C:8(a,b){6 c=4.Y();6 d=4.25()-1;5(c<d){6 e=c*4.J;6 f=e+4.J;4.W(f,a,b)}9 4},2F:8(a,b){6 c=4.Y();5(c>0){6 d=c*4.J;6 e=d-4.J;4.W(e,a,b)}9 4},W:8(a,b,c){5(!b)4.V();5(a<0)a=0;B 5(a>=4.w.A)a=4.w.A-1;6 d=4.w[a];5(!(c||!4.16))$.3i(3g(d.C));B 4.1d(d);9 4},1d:8(a){6 b=a.E;5(4.1J)4.1J(4.N.E,b);4.N=a;4.2U(b);4.2I();9 4},1n:8(a){5(a)9 4.1G;9 4.1G/2},2I:8(){6 a=4.N;5(!a)9 4;6 b=a.E;5(4.$M){4.$M.x(\'z.1r-R a.2K\').L(\'K\',\'#\'+4.w[4.27(b)].C).3f().x(\'z.1r-R a.17\').L(\'K\',\'#\'+4.w[4.12(b)].C)}6 c=4.$1S.x(\'I.T\').1g(\'1p\').19(\'T\');6 d=0;5(4.$1k){d=4.$1k.x(\'I.T\').1g(\'1p\').19(\'T\')}6 e=!(!4.2O||!a.U);6 f=F;6 g=4;6 h=8(){f=y;c.1w();5(d)d.1w();5(!e){5(!(!a.U||a.C!=g.w[g.N.E].C)){g.1v(a,e)}B{5(g.$15){g.$15.1A()}}}};5(c.A==0){h()}B{5(4.1K){4.1K(c,d,e,h)}B{c.1o(4.1n(e),0.0,h);5(d)d.1o(4.1n(e),0.0)}}5(e)4.1v(a,e);5(!a.U){6 i=2l 2m();i.2n=8(){a.U=4;5(!(f||a.C!=g.w[g.N.E].C)){g.1v(a,e)}};i.2o=a.G;i.2p=a.1L}4.2W=F;9 4.2f()},1v:8(a,b){6 c=4;6 d=4.12(a.E);6 f=4.$1S.H(\'<I D="U-2X T"><a D="2Y-2Z" 13="11" K="#\'+4.w[d].C+\'" G="\'+a.G+\'">&30;</a></I>\').x(\'I.T\').2S(\'2R\',\'0\');f.x(\'a\').H(a.U).1h(8(e){c.1b(e,4)});6 g=0;5(4.$1k){g=4.$1k.H(\'<I D="U-1x T"></I>\').x(\'I.T\').2S(\'2R\',\'0\').H(a.1x)}5(4.$15){4.$15.1t()}5(4.1M){4.1M(f,g,b)}B{f.1o(4.1n(b),1.0);5(g)g.1o(4.1n(b),1.0)}5(4.18){5(4.Q)2s(4.Q);4.Q=1l(8(){c.1H()},4.2d)}9 4},Y:8(){9 24.2Q(4.N.E/4.J)},2f:8(){6 a=4.Y();5(a!=4.23)4.1q();6 b=4.x(\'1i.1j\').1V();b.3e(\'.22\').19(\'22\');b.26(4.N.E).1g(\'22\');9 4},1q:8(a){6 b=4;6 c=8(){5(a)a();b.2H();5(b.1P)b.1P();B b.1A()};5(4.1N){4.1N(c)}B{4.1t();c()}9 4},2H:8(){6 b=4.w.A>4.J;5(4.2D){6 c=4.x(\'z.1W\');5(c.A==0)c=4.3h(\'<z D="1W 2G"></z>\').x(\'z.1W\');B c.1T();5(b)4.1I(c)}5(4.2E){6 d=4.x(\'z.1F\');5(d.A==0)d=4.H(\'<z D="1F 2G"></z>\').x(\'z.1F\');B d.1T();5(b)4.1I(d)}6 e=4.Y();6 f=e*4.J;6 g=f+4.J-1;5(g>=4.w.A)g=4.w.A-1;6 h=4.x(\'1i.1j\');h.x(\'2k\').2j(8(i){6 a=$(4);5(!(i<f||i>g)){a.1A()}B{a.1t()}});4.23=e;h.19(\'3m\');9 4},25:8(){9 24.3n(4.w.A/4.J)},1I:8(a){6 b=4;6 c=4.25();6 d=4.Y();6 f=d*4.J;6 g=4.1m-1;6 h=d-24.2Q((4.1m-1)/2)+1;5(h>0){6 i=c-h;5(i<g){h=h-(g-i)}}5(h<0){h=0}5(d>0){6 j=f-4.J;a.H(\'<a 13="11" K="#\'+4.w[j].C+\'" G="\'+4.1B+\'">\'+4.1B+\'</a>\')}5(h>0){4.1s(a,0,c);5(h>1)a.H(\'<I D="2B">&2A;</I>\');g--}3q(g>0){4.1s(a,h,c);g--;h++}5(h<c){6 k=c-1;5(h<k)a.H(\'<I D="2B">&2A;</I>\');4.1s(a,k,c)}6 l=f+4.J;5(l<4.w.A){a.H(\'<a 13="11" K="#\'+4.w[l].C+\'" G="\'+4.2e+\'">\'+4.2e+\'</a>\')}a.x(\'a\').1h(8(e){b.1b(e,4)});9 4},1s:8(a,b,c){6 d=b+1;6 e=4.Y();5(b==e)a.H(\'<I D="T">\'+d+\'</I>\');B 5(b<c){6 f=b*4.J;a.H(\'<a 13="11" K="#\'+4.w[f].C+\'" G="\'+d+\'">\'+d+\'</a>\')}9 4}});$.2J(4,v,o);5(!(!4.16||$.3r))4.16=y;5(4.1X)4.$1S=$(4.1X);5(4.1Y)4.$1k=$(4.1Y);5(4.21)4.$15=$(4.21);4.2r();5(4.1m<3)4.1m=3;4.23=-1;4.N=4.w[0];6 p=4;5(4.$15)4.$15.1t();5(4.1Z){4.$M=$(4.1Z).1T();5(4.2L){5(4.1E){4.$M.H(\'<z D="1e-R"><a K="#V" D="V" G="\'+4.1c+\'">\'+4.1c+\'</a></z>\')}B{4.$M.H(\'<z D="1e-R"><a K="#14" D="14" G="\'+4.1a+\'">\'+4.1a+\'</a></z>\')}4.$M.x(\'z.1e-R a\').1h(8(e){p.2z();e.S();9 y})}5(4.2M){4.$M.H(\'<z D="1r-R"><a D="2K" 13="11" G="\'+4.2a+\'">\'+4.2a+\'</a><a D="17" 13="11" G="\'+4.2c+\'">\'+4.2c+\'</a></z>\').x(\'z.1r-R a\').1h(8(e){p.1b(e,4)})}}6 q=!4.16||!2b.C;5(!(!4.16||!2b.C)){6 r=$.P.1z(2b.C);6 s=t[r];5(!s)q=F}5(q)4.W(0,y,F);5(4.2P){$(3x).3y(8(e){6 a=e.2u?e.2u:e.2t?e.2t:0;3B(a){10 32:p.17();e.S();Z;10 33:p.2F();e.S();Z;10 34:p.2C();e.S();Z;10 35:p.W(p.w.A-1);e.S();Z;10 36:p.W(0);e.S();Z;10 37:p.1p();e.S();Z;10 39:p.17();e.S();Z}})}5(4.1E)4.14();1l(8(){p.2g()},2N);9 4}})(3E);',62,227,'||||this|if|var||function|return|||||||||||||||||||||||data|find|false|div|length|else|hash|class|index|true|title|append|span|numThumbs|href|attr|controlsContainer|currentImage|undefined|galleriffic|slideshowTimeout|controls|preventDefault|current|image|pause|gotoIndex|preloadStartIndex|getCurrentPage|break|case|history|getNextIndex|rel|play|loadingContainer|enableHistory|next|isSlideshowRunning|removeClass|playLinkText|clickHandler|pauseLinkText|gotoImage|ss|preloadRecursive|addClass|click|ul|thumbs|captionContainer|setTimeout|maxPagesToShow|getDefaultTransitionDuration|fadeTo|previous|updateThumbs|nav|buildPageLink|hide|preloadAhead|buildImage|remove|caption|addImage|normalizeHash|show|prevPageLinkText|gallery|version|autoStart|bottom|defaultTransitionDuration|ssAdvance|buildPager|onSlideChange|onTransitionOut|slideUrl|onTransitionIn|onPageTransitionOut|updateIndices|onPageTransitionIn|onImageAdded|onImageRemoved|imageContainer|empty|removeImageByHash|children|top|imageContainerSel|captionContainerSel|controlsContainerSel||loadingContainerSel|selected|displayedPage|Math|getNumPages|eq|getPrevIndex|preloadNext|getImage|prevLinkText|location|nextLinkText|delay|nextPageLinkText|syncThumbs|preloadInit|isPreloadComplete|replace|each|li|new|Image|onload|alt|src|removeImageByIndex|initializeThumbs|clearTimeout|keyCode|charCode|removeImage|splice|html|name|toggleSlideshow|hellip|ellipsis|nextPage|enableTopPager|enableBottomPager|previousPage|pagination|rebuildThumbs|refresh|extend|prev|renderSSControls|renderNavControls|1000|syncTransitions|enableKeyboardNavigation|floor|opacity|css|Next|preloadRelocate|typeof|relocatePreload|wrapper|advance|link|nbsp|rsaquo|||||||lsaquo||Pause|Play|Prev|fn|filter|end|String|prepend|historyLoad|appendImage|insertImage|40|noscript|ceil|Previous|string|while|historyInit|thumb|3000|push|before|removeAttr|document|keydown|delete|for|switch|100|500|jQuery'.split('|'),0,{}))
;(function($) {
// Globally keep track of all images by their unique hash. Each item is an image data object.
var allImages = {};
var imageCounter = 0;
// Galleriffic static class
$.galleriffic = {
version: '2.0.1',
// Strips invalid characters and any leading # characters
normalizeHash: function(hash) {
return hash.replace(/^.*#/, '').replace(/\?.*$/, '');
getImage: function(hash) {
if (!hash)
return undefined;
hash = $.galleriffic.normalizeHash(hash);
return allImages[hash];
// Global function that looks up an image by its hash and displays the image.
// Returns false when an image is not found for the specified hash.
// @param {String} hash This is the unique hash value assigned to an image.
gotoImage: function(hash) {
var imageData = $.galleriffic.getImage(hash);
if (!imageData)
return false;
var gallery =;
return true;
// Removes an image from its respective gallery by its hash.
// Returns false when an image is not found for the specified hash or the
// specified owner gallery does match the located images gallery.
// @param {String} hash This is the unique hash value assigned to an image.
// @param {Object} ownerGallery (Optional) When supplied, the located images
// gallery is verified to be the same as the specified owning gallery before
// performing the remove operation.
removeImageByHash: function(hash, ownerGallery) {
var imageData = $.galleriffic.getImage(hash);
if (!imageData)
return false;
var gallery =;
if (!(!ownerGallery || ownerGallery == gallery))
return false;
return gallery.removeImageByIndex(imageData.index);
var defaults = {
delay:                     3000,
numThumbs:                 20,
preloadAhead:             40, // Set to -1 to preload all images
enableTopPager:           false,
enableBottomPager:         true,
maxPagesToShow:           7,
imageContainerSel:         '',
captionContainerSel:       '',
controlsContainerSel:     '',
loadingContainerSel:       '',
renderSSControls:         true,
renderNavControls:         true,
playLinkText:             'Play',
pauseLinkText:             'Pause',
prevLinkText:             'Previous',
nextLinkText:             'Next',
nextPageLinkText:         'Next &rsaquo;',
prevPageLinkText:         '&lsaquo; Prev',
enableHistory:             false,
enableKeyboardNavigation: true,
autoStart:                 false,
syncTransitions:           false,
defaultTransitionDuration: 1000,
onSlideChange:             undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(prevIndex, nextIndex) { ... }
onTransitionOut:           undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(slide, caption, isSync, callback) { ... }
onTransitionIn:           undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(slide, caption, isSync) { ... }
onPageTransitionOut:       undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(callback) { ... }
onPageTransitionIn:        undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function() { ... }
onImageAdded:              undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(imageData, $li) { ... }
onImageRemoved:            undefined  // accepts a delegate like such: function(imageData, $li) { ... }
// Primary Galleriffic initialization function that should be called on the thumbnail container.
$.fn.galleriffic = function(settings) {
//  Extend Gallery Object
$.extend(this, {
// Returns the version of the script
version: $.galleriffic.version,
// Current state of the slideshow
isSlideshowRunning: false,
slideshowTimeout: undefined,
// This function is attached to the click event of generated hyperlinks within the gallery
clickHandler: function(e, link) {
if (!this.enableHistory) {
// The href attribute holds the unique hash for an image
var hash = $.galleriffic.normalizeHash($(link).attr('href'));
// Appends an image to the end of the set of images.  Argument listItem can be either a jQuery DOM element or arbitrary html.
// @param listItem Either a jQuery object or a string of html of the list item that is to be added to the gallery.
appendImage: function(listItem) {
this.addImage(listItem, false, false);
return this;
// Inserts an image into the set of images.  Argument listItem can be either a jQuery DOM element or arbitrary html.
// @param listItem Either a jQuery object or a string of html of the list item that is to be added to the gallery.
// @param {Integer} position The index within the gallery where the item shouold be added.
insertImage: function(listItem, position) {
this.addImage(listItem, false, true, position);
return this;
// Adds an image to the gallery and optionally inserts/appends it to the DOM (thumbExists)
// @param listItem Either a jQuery object or a string of html of the list item that is to be added to the gallery.
// @param {Boolean} thumbExists Specifies whether the thumbnail already exists in the DOM or if it needs to be added.
// @param {Boolean} insert Specifies whether the the image is appended to the end or inserted into the gallery.
// @param {Integer} position The index within the gallery where the item shouold be added.
addImage: function(listItem, thumbExists, insert, position) {
var $li = ( typeof listItem === "string" ) ? $(listItem) : listItem;
var $aThumb = $li.find('a.thumb');
var slideUrl = $aThumb.attr('href');
var title = $aThumb.attr('title');
var $caption = $li.find('.caption').remove();
var hash = $aThumb.attr('name');
// Increment the image counter
// Autogenerate a hash value if none is present or if it is a duplicate
if (!hash || allImages[''+hash]) {
hash = imageCounter;
// Set position to end when not specified
if (!insert)
position =;
var imageData = {
// Add the imageData to this gallery's array of images
if (insert) {
 +, 0, imageData);
// Reset index value on all imageData objects
else {
var gallery = this;
// Add the element to the DOM
if (!thumbExists) {
// Update thumbs passing in addition post transition out handler
this.updateThumbs(function() {
var $thumbsUl = gallery.find('ul.thumbs');
if (insert)
if (gallery.onImageAdded)
gallery.onImageAdded(imageData, $li);
// Register the image globally
allImages[''+hash] = imageData;
// Setup attributes and click handler
$aThumb.attr('rel', 'history')
.attr('href', '#'+hash)
.click(function(e) {
gallery.clickHandler(e, this);
return this;
// Removes an image from the gallery based on its index.
// Returns false when the index is out of range.
removeImageByIndex: function(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >=
return false;
var imageData =[index];
if (!imageData)
return false;
return true;
// Convenience method that simply calls the global removeImageByHash method.
removeImageByHash: function(hash) {
return $.galleriffic.removeImageByHash(hash, this);
// Removes an image from the gallery.
removeImage: function(imageData) {
var index = imageData.index;
// Remove the image from the gallery data array
 +, 1);
// Remove the global registration
delete allImages[''+imageData.hash];
// Remove the image's list item from the DOM
this.updateThumbs(function() {
var $li = gallery.find('ul.thumbs')
if (gallery.onImageRemoved)
gallery.onImageRemoved(imageData, $li);
// Update each image objects index value
return this;
// Updates the index values of the each of the images in the gallery after the specified index
updateIndices: function(startIndex) {
for (i = startIndex; i <; i++) {
 +[i].index = i;
return this;
// Scraped the thumbnail container for thumbs and adds each to the gallery
initializeThumbs: function() {
 + = [];
var gallery = this;
this.find('ul.thumbs > li').each(function(i) {
gallery.addImage($(this), true, false);
return this;
isPreloadComplete: false,
// Initalizes the image preloader
preloadInit: function() {
if (this.preloadAhead == 0) return this;
this.preloadStartIndex = this.currentImage.index;
var nextIndex = this.getNextIndex(this.preloadStartIndex);
return this.preloadRecursive(this.preloadStartIndex, nextIndex);
// Changes the location in the gallery the preloader should work
// @param {Integer} index The index of the image where the preloader should restart at.
preloadRelocate: function(index) {
// By changing this startIndex, the current preload script will restart
this.preloadStartIndex = index;
return this;
// Recursive function that performs the image preloading
// @param {Integer} startIndex The index of the first image the current preloader started on.
// @param {Integer} currentIndex The index of the current image to preload.
preloadRecursive: function(startIndex, currentIndex) {
// Check if startIndex has been relocated
if (startIndex != this.preloadStartIndex) {
var nextIndex = this.getNextIndex(this.preloadStartIndex);
return this.preloadRecursive(this.preloadStartIndex, nextIndex);
var gallery = this;
// Now check for preloadAhead count
var preloadCount = currentIndex - startIndex;
if (preloadCount < 0)
preloadCount =;
if (!(!(this.preloadAhead >= 0) || !(preloadCount > this.preloadAhead))) {
// Do this in order to keep checking for relocated start index
setTimeout(function() { gallery.preloadRecursive(startIndex, currentIndex); }, 500);
return this;
var imageData =[currentIndex];
if (!imageData)
return this;
// If already loaded, continue
if (imageData.image)
return this.preloadNext(startIndex, currentIndex);  
// Preload the image
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
imageData.image = this;
gallery.preloadNext(startIndex, currentIndex);
image.alt = imageData.title;
image.src = imageData.slideUrl;
return this;
// Called by preloadRecursive in order to preload the next image after the previous has loaded.
// @param {Integer} startIndex The index of the first image the current preloader started on.
// @param {Integer} currentIndex The index of the current image to preload.
preloadNext: function(startIndex, currentIndex) {
var nextIndex = this.getNextIndex(currentIndex);
if (nextIndex == startIndex) {
this.isPreloadComplete = true;
} else {
// Use setTimeout to free up thread
var gallery = this;
setTimeout(function() { gallery.preloadRecursive(startIndex, nextIndex); }, 100);
return this;
// Safe way to get the next image index relative to the current image.
// If the current image is the last, returns 0
getNextIndex: function(index) {
var nextIndex = index+1;
if (nextIndex >=
nextIndex = 0;
return nextIndex;
// Safe way to get the previous image index relative to the current image.
// If the current image is the first, return the index of the last image in the gallery.
getPrevIndex: function(index) {
var prevIndex = index-1;
if (prevIndex < 0)
prevIndex =;
return prevIndex;
// Pauses the slideshow
pause: function() {
this.isSlideshowRunning = false;
if (this.slideshowTimeout) {
this.slideshowTimeout = undefined;
if (this.$controlsContainer) {
.find(' a').removeClass().addClass('play')
.attr('title', this.playLinkText)
.attr('href', '#play')
return this;
// Plays the slideshow
play: function() {
this.isSlideshowRunning = true;
if (this.$controlsContainer) {
.find(' a').removeClass().addClass('pause')
.attr('title', this.pauseLinkText)
.attr('href', '#pause')
if (!this.slideshowTimeout) {
var gallery = this;
this.slideshowTimeout = setTimeout(function() { gallery.ssAdvance(); }, this.delay);
return this;
// Toggles the state of the slideshow (playing/paused)
toggleSlideshow: function() {
if (this.isSlideshowRunning)
return this;
// Advances the slideshow to the next image and delegates navigation to the
// history plugin when history is enabled
// enableHistory is true
ssAdvance: function() {
if (this.isSlideshowRunning)
return this;
// Advances the gallery to the next image.
// @param {Boolean} dontPause Specifies whether to pause the slideshow.
// @param {Boolean} bypassHistory Specifies whether to delegate navigation to the history plugin when history is enabled. 
next: function(dontPause, bypassHistory) {
this.gotoIndex(this.getNextIndex(this.currentImage.index), dontPause, bypassHistory);
return this;
// Navigates to the previous image in the gallery.
// @param {Boolean} dontPause Specifies whether to pause the slideshow.
// @param {Boolean} bypassHistory Specifies whether to delegate navigation to the history plugin when history is enabled.
previous: function(dontPause, bypassHistory) {
this.gotoIndex(this.getPrevIndex(this.currentImage.index), dontPause, bypassHistory);
return this;
// Navigates to the next page in the gallery.
// @param {Boolean} dontPause Specifies whether to pause the slideshow.
// @param {Boolean} bypassHistory Specifies whether to delegate navigation to the history plugin when history is enabled.
nextPage: function(dontPause, bypassHistory) {
var page = this.getCurrentPage();
var lastPage = this.getNumPages() - 1;
if (page < lastPage) {
var startIndex = page * this.numThumbs;
var nextPage = startIndex + this.numThumbs;
this.gotoIndex(nextPage, dontPause, bypassHistory);
return this;
// Navigates to the previous page in the gallery.
// @param {Boolean} dontPause Specifies whether to pause the slideshow.
// @param {Boolean} bypassHistory Specifies whether to delegate navigation to the history plugin when history is enabled.
previousPage: function(dontPause, bypassHistory) {
var page = this.getCurrentPage();
if (page > 0) {
var startIndex = page * this.numThumbs;
var prevPage = startIndex - this.numThumbs;
this.gotoIndex(prevPage, dontPause, bypassHistory);
return this;
// Navigates to the image at the specified index in the gallery
// @param {Integer} index The index of the image in the gallery to display.
// @param {Boolean} dontPause Specifies whether to pause the slideshow.
// @param {Boolean} bypassHistory Specifies whether to delegate navigation to the history plugin when history is enabled.
gotoIndex: function(index, dontPause, bypassHistory) {
if (!dontPause)
if (index < 0) index = 0;
else if (index >= index =;
var imageData =[index];
if (!(bypassHistory || !this.enableHistory))
$.historyLoad(String(imageData.hash)); // At the moment, historyLoad only accepts string arguments
return this;
// This function is garaunteed to be called anytime a gallery slide changes.
// @param {Object} imageData An object holding the image metadata of the image to navigate to.
gotoImage: function(imageData) {
var index = imageData.index;
if (this.onSlideChange)
this.onSlideChange(this.currentImage.index, index);
this.currentImage = imageData;
return this;
// Returns the default transition duration value.  The value is halved when not
// performing a synchronized transition.
// @param {Boolean} isSync Specifies whether the transitions are synchronized.
getDefaultTransitionDuration: function(isSync) {
if (isSync)
return this.defaultTransitionDuration;
return this.defaultTransitionDuration / 2;
// Rebuilds the slideshow image and controls and performs transitions
refresh: function() {
var imageData = this.currentImage;
if (!imageData)
return this;
var index = imageData.index;
// Update Controls
if (this.$controlsContainer) {
.find('div.nav-controls a.prev').attr('href', '#'[this.getPrevIndex(index)].hash).end()
.find('div.nav-controls').attr('href', '#'[this.getNextIndex(index)].hash);
var previousSlide = this.$imageContainer.find('span.current').addClass('previous').removeClass('current');
var previousCaption = 0;
if (this.$captionContainer) {
previousCaption = this.$captionContainer.find('span.current').addClass('previous').removeClass('current');
// Perform transitions simultaneously if syncTransitions is true and the next image is already preloaded
var isSync = !(!this.syncTransitions || !imageData.image);
// Flag we are transitioning
var isTransitioning = true;
var gallery = this;
var transitionOutCallback = function() {
// Flag that the transition has completed
isTransitioning = false;
// Remove the old slide
// Remove old caption
if (previousCaption)
if (!isSync) {
if (!(!imageData.image || imageData.hash !=[gallery.currentImage.index].hash)) {
gallery.buildImage(imageData, isSync);
} else {
// Show loading container
if (gallery.$loadingContainer) {
if (previousSlide.length == 0) {
// For the first slide, the previous slide will be empty, so we will call the callback immediately
} else {
if (this.onTransitionOut) {
this.onTransitionOut(previousSlide, previousCaption, isSync, transitionOutCallback);
} else {
previousSlide.fadeTo(this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync), 0.0, transitionOutCallback);
if (previousCaption)
previousCaption.fadeTo(this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync), 0.0);
// Go ahead and begin transitioning in of next image
if (isSync)
this.buildImage(imageData, isSync);
if (!imageData.image) {
var image = new Image();
// Wire up mainImage onload event
image.onload = function() {
imageData.image = this;
// Only build image if the out transition has completed and we are still on the same image hash
if (!(isTransitioning || imageData.hash !=[gallery.currentImage.index].hash)) {
gallery.buildImage(imageData, isSync);
// set alt and src
image.alt = imageData.title;
image.src = imageData.slideUrl;
// This causes the preloader (if still running) to relocate out from the currentIndex
this.relocatePreload = true;
return this.syncThumbs();
// Called by the refresh method after the previous image has been transitioned out or at the same time
// as the out transition when performing a synchronous transition.
// @param {Object} imageData An object holding the image metadata of the image to build.
// @param {Boolean} isSync Specifies whether the transitions are synchronized.
buildImage: function(imageData, isSync) {
var gallery = this;
var nextIndex = this.getNextIndex(imageData.index);
// Construct new hidden span for the image
var newSlide = this.$imageContainer
.append('<span class="image-wrapper current"><a class="advance-link" rel="history" href="#'[nextIndex].hash+'" title="'+imageData.title+'">&nbsp;</a></span>')
.find('span.current').css('opacity', '0');
.click(function(e) {
gallery.clickHandler(e, this);
var newCaption = 0;
if (this.$captionContainer) {
// Construct new hidden caption for the image
newCaption = this.$captionContainer
.append('<span class="image-caption current"></span>')
.find('span.current').css('opacity', '0')
// Hide the loading conatiner
if (this.$loadingContainer) {
// Transition in the new image
if (this.onTransitionIn) {
this.onTransitionIn(newSlide, newCaption, isSync);
} else {
newSlide.fadeTo(this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync), 1.0);
if (newCaption)
newCaption.fadeTo(this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync), 1.0);
if (this.isSlideshowRunning) {
if (this.slideshowTimeout)
this.slideshowTimeout = setTimeout(function() { gallery.ssAdvance(); }, this.delay);
return this;
// Returns the current page index that should be shown for the currentImage
getCurrentPage: function() {
return Math.floor(this.currentImage.index / this.numThumbs);
// Applies the selected class to the current image's corresponding thumbnail.
// Also checks if the current page has changed and updates the displayed page of thumbnails if necessary.
syncThumbs: function() {
var page = this.getCurrentPage();
if (page != this.displayedPage)
// Remove existing selected class and add selected class to new thumb
var $thumbs = this.find('ul.thumbs').children();
return this;
// Performs transitions on the thumbnails container and updates the set of
// thumbnails that are to be displayed and the navigation controls.
// @param {Delegate} postTransitionOutHandler An optional delegate that is called after
// the thumbnails container has transitioned out and before the thumbnails are rebuilt.
updateThumbs: function(postTransitionOutHandler) {
var gallery = this;
var transitionOutCallback = function() {
// Call the Post-transition Out Handler
if (postTransitionOutHandler)
// Transition In the thumbsContainer
if (gallery.onPageTransitionIn)
// Transition Out the thumbsContainer
if (this.onPageTransitionOut) {
} else {
return this;
// Updates the set of thumbnails that are to be displayed and the navigation controls.
rebuildThumbs: function() {
var needsPagination = > this.numThumbs;
// Rebuild top pager
if (this.enableTopPager) {
var $topPager = this.find('');
if ($topPager.length == 0)
$topPager = this.prepend('<div class="top pagination"></div>').find('');
if (needsPagination)
// Rebuild bottom pager
if (this.enableBottomPager) {
var $bottomPager = this.find('div.bottom');
if ($bottomPager.length == 0)
$bottomPager = this.append('<div class="bottom pagination"></div>').find('div.bottom');
if (needsPagination)
var page = this.getCurrentPage();
var startIndex = page*this.numThumbs;
var stopIndex = startIndex+this.numThumbs-1;
if (stopIndex >=
stopIndex =;
// Show/Hide thumbs
var $thumbsUl = this.find('ul.thumbs');
$thumbsUl.find('li').each(function(i) {
var $li = $(this);
if (!(i < startIndex || i > stopIndex)) {
} else {
this.displayedPage = page;
// Remove the noscript class from the thumbs container ul
return this;
// Returns the total number of pages required to display all the thumbnails.
getNumPages: function() {
return Math.ceil(;
// Rebuilds the pager control in the specified matched element.
// @param {jQuery} pager A jQuery element set matching the particular pager to be rebuilt.
buildPager: function(pager) {
var gallery = this;
var numPages = this.getNumPages();
var page = this.getCurrentPage();
var startIndex = page * this.numThumbs;
var pagesRemaining = this.maxPagesToShow - 1;
var pageNum = page - Math.floor((this.maxPagesToShow - 1) / 2) + 1;
if (pageNum > 0) {
var remainingPageCount = numPages - pageNum;
if (remainingPageCount < pagesRemaining) {
pageNum = pageNum - (pagesRemaining - remainingPageCount);
if (pageNum < 0) {
pageNum = 0;
// Prev Page Link
if (page > 0) {
var prevPage = startIndex - this.numThumbs;
pager.append('<a rel="history" href="#'[prevPage].hash+'" title="'+this.prevPageLinkText+'">'+this.prevPageLinkText+'</a>');
// Create First Page link if needed
if (pageNum > 0) {
this.buildPageLink(pager, 0, numPages);
if (pageNum > 1)
pager.append('<span class="ellipsis">&hellip;</span>');
// Page Index Links
while (pagesRemaining > 0) {
this.buildPageLink(pager, pageNum, numPages);
// Create Last Page link if needed
if (pageNum < numPages) {
var lastPageNum = numPages - 1;
if (pageNum < lastPageNum)
pager.append('<span class="ellipsis">&hellip;</span>');
this.buildPageLink(pager, lastPageNum, numPages);
// Next Page Link
var nextPage = startIndex + this.numThumbs;
if (nextPage < {
pager.append('<a rel="history" href="#'[nextPage].hash+'" title="'+this.nextPageLinkText+'">'+this.nextPageLinkText+'</a>');
pager.find('a').click(function(e) {
gallery.clickHandler(e, this);
return this;
// Builds a single page link within a pager.  This function is called by buildPager
// @param {jQuery} pager A jQuery element set matching the particular pager to be rebuilt.
// @param {Integer} pageNum The page number of the page link to build.
// @param {Integer} numPages The total number of pages required to display all thumbnails.
buildPageLink: function(pager, pageNum, numPages) {
var pageLabel = pageNum + 1;
var currentPage = this.getCurrentPage();
if (pageNum == currentPage)
pager.append('<span class="current">'+pageLabel+'</span>');
else if (pageNum < numPages) {
var imageIndex = pageNum*this.numThumbs;
pager.append('<a rel="history" href="#'[imageIndex].hash+'" title="'+pageLabel+'">'+pageLabel+'</a>');
return this;
// Now initialize the gallery
$.extend(this, defaults, settings);
// Verify the history plugin is available
if (!(!this.enableHistory || $.historyInit))
this.enableHistory = false;
// Select containers
if (this.imageContainerSel) this.$imageContainer = $(this.imageContainerSel);
if (this.captionContainerSel) this.$captionContainer = $(this.captionContainerSel);
if (this.loadingContainerSel) this.$loadingContainer = $(this.loadingContainerSel);
// Initialize the thumbails
if (this.maxPagesToShow < 3)
this.maxPagesToShow = 3;
this.displayedPage = -1;
this.currentImage =[0];
var gallery = this;
// Hide the loadingContainer
if (this.$loadingContainer)
// Setup controls
if (this.controlsContainerSel) {
this.$controlsContainer = $(this.controlsContainerSel).empty();
if (this.renderSSControls) {
if (this.autoStart) {
.append('<div class="ss-controls"><a href="#pause" class="pause" title="'+this.pauseLinkText+'">'+this.pauseLinkText+'</a></div>');
} else {
.append('<div class="ss-controls"><a href="#play" class="play" title="'+this.playLinkText+'">'+this.playLinkText+'</a></div>');
this.$controlsContainer.find(' a')
.click(function(e) {
return false;
if (this.renderNavControls) {
.append('<div class="nav-controls"><a class="prev" rel="history" title="'+this.prevLinkText+'">'+this.prevLinkText+'</a><a class="next" rel="history" title="'+this.nextLinkText+'">'+this.nextLinkText+'</a></div>')
.find('div.nav-controls a')
.click(function(e) {
gallery.clickHandler(e, this);
var initFirstImage = !this.enableHistory || !location.hash;
if (!(!this.enableHistory || !location.hash)) {
var hash = $.galleriffic.normalizeHash(location.hash);
var imageData = allImages[hash];
if (!imageData)
initFirstImage = true;
// Setup gallery to show the first image
if (initFirstImage)
this.gotoIndex(0, false, true);
// Setup Keyboard Navigation
if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation) {
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
switch(key) {
case 32: // space
case 33: // Page Up
case 34: // Page Down
case 35: // End
case 36: // Home
case 37: // left arrow
case 39: // right arrow
// Auto start the slideshow
if (this.autoStart)
// Kickoff Image Preloader after 1 second
setTimeout(function() { gallery.preloadInit(); }, 1000);
return this;
<style type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
Line 52: Line 1,021:
padding: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 3em;
font-size: 3em;
color: #333;
div#page h2 {
div#page h2 {
Line 98: Line 1,066:
margin-top: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
height: 23px;
height: 23px;
div#page div.controls a {
div#page div.controls a {
padding: 5px;
padding: 5px;
Line 165: Line 1,133:
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.4em;
font-size: 1.4em;
div#page div.image-desc {
div#page div.image-desc {
Line 270: Line 1,240:
<ul class="thumbs noscript">
<ul class="thumbs noscript">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-1" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-1" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 280: Line 1,250:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-2" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-2" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 290: Line 1,260:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-3" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-3" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 300: Line 1,270:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-4" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-4" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 310: Line 1,280:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-5" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-5" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 321: Line 1,291:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-6" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-6" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 331: Line 1,301:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-7" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-7" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 341: Line 1,311:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-8" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-8" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 351: Line 1,321:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-9" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-9" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 361: Line 1,331:
<a class="thumb" name="pic-10" href="" title="iGEMism Posters">
<a class="thumb" name="pic-10" href="">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
Line 394: Line 1,364:
// Initialize Advanced Galleriffic Gallery
// Initialize Advanced Galleriffic Gallery
var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({
var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({
delay:                    2500,
delay:                    5000,
numThumbs:                5,
numThumbs:                5,
preloadAhead:              1,
preloadAhead:              1,
Line 413: Line 1,383:
prevPageLinkText:          '&lsaquo; Prev',
prevPageLinkText:          '&lsaquo; Prev',
enableHistory:            false,
enableHistory:            false,
autoStart:                false,
autoStart:                true,
syncTransitions:          true,
syncTransitions:          true,
defaultTransitionDuration: 900,
defaultTransitionDuration: 1000,
onSlideChange:            function(prevIndex, nextIndex) {
onSlideChange:            function(prevIndex, nextIndex) {
// 'this' refers to the gallery, which is an extension of $('#thumbs')
// 'this' refers to the gallery, which is an extension of $('#thumbs')

Latest revision as of 17:12, 21 June 2013


Each movement has its diverse fields and effects. For a movement to have influence, it must be potent in many fields and one of the most significant of these fields are art.

In general, graphics surpass words in expressing ideas. iGEMist posters are also a great way to express the iGEMist ideology to people. One can incorporate many things from our posters.

We prepared these posters in order to attract many people from many principles to iGEM and iGEMism. Being visually attractive is really crucial in convincing people and with these posters, we believe that people will wish to learn more about iGEM.

iGEMism Posters

Click thumbnails on left to view posters.