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File list

descDate Name User Size Description Versions
02:55, 17 June 2013Galeria_de_fotos_2.pdf (file)Yovaluflo2.18 MB 1
02:39, 17 June 2013Lethbridge_hs_igem_2013_Slide_5.png (file)Chris.isaac116 KB 1
01:49, 17 June 2013Mis2.jpg (file)Yovaluflo40 KB 2
01:24, 17 June 2013Lethbridge_hs_igem_2013_Slide_4.png (file)Chris.isaac181 KB 1
01:16, 17 June 2013Caca.png (file)DiegoValadez38 KB 1
00:41, 17 June 2013Lethbridge_hs_igem_2013_Slide_4_test.png (file)Chris.isaac849 KB 1
00:36, 17 June 2013Parte2.png (file)Lilycn451 KB 1
00:28, 17 June 2013Lethbridge_hs_igem_2013_Slide_3.png (file)Chris.isaac213 KB 1
00:28, 17 June 2013Parte111.png (file)Lilycn444 KB 1
00:21, 17 June 2013Control.jpg (file)Yovaluflo677 KB 1
00:14, 17 June 2013Saf2.jpg (file)Yovaluflo1.19 MB 3
00:11, 17 June 2013Lethbridge_hs_igem_2013_humanpractices.png (file)Chris.isaac15 KB 1
00:09, 17 June 2013WP_000272.jpg (file)Lilycn4383 KB 1
00:01, 17 June 2013WP_000275.jpg (file)Lilycn4378 KB 1
00:01, 17 June 2013Lethbridge_hs_igem_2013_Slide_2.png (file)Chris.isaac744 KB 2
23:56, 16 June 20137.jpg (file)Yovaluflo128 KB 1
23:43, 16 June 2013F2.small.gif (file)Yovaluflo23 KB 1
23:38, 16 June 2013Saf.jpg (file)Yovaluflo454 KB 1
22:28, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Home_Project.jpg (file)Alihancelikcan50 KB 1
22:24, 16 June 2013Quiagen.jpg (file)Ekessler54 KB 1
20:43, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q3.png (file)Adam.christiansen26 KB 1
20:43, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q9.png (file)Adam.christiansen30 KB 1
20:42, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q11.png (file)Adam.christiansen27 KB 1
20:42, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q10.png (file)Adam.christiansen26 KB 1
20:42, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q8.png (file)Adam.christiansen27 KB 1
20:41, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q7.png (file)Adam.christiansen26 KB 1
20:40, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q6.png (file)Adam.christiansen27 KB 1
20:40, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q5.png (file)Adam.christiansen27 KB 1
20:39, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q4.png (file)Adam.christiansen32 KB 1
20:39, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q2.png (file)Adam.christiansen29 KB 1
20:38, 16 June 2013Leth_hs_2013_survey_Q1.png (file)Adam.christiansen26 KB 1
19:01, 16 June 2013Igem_logo02.jpg (file)Meaton222212 KB 1
18:44, 16 June 2013Igem_logo.jpg (file)Meaton222234 KB 1
16:59, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_iGEMismTV_Active.png (file)Alihancelikcan15 KB 1
16:58, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_iGEMismTV.png (file)Alihancelikcan14 KB 1
16:58, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Surveys_Active.png (file)Alihancelikcan14 KB 1
16:58, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Surveys.png (file)Alihancelikcan13 KB 1
16:58, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Embassies_Active.png (file)Alihancelikcan19 KB 1
16:57, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Embassies.png (file)Alihancelikcan19 KB 1
16:57, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Flash_Game_Active.png (file)Alihancelikcan17 KB 1
16:56, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Flash_Game.png (file)Alihancelikcan16 KB 1
16:56, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_iGEMism_Active.png (file)Alihancelikcan18 KB 1
16:56, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_iGEMism.png (file)Alihancelikcan18 KB 1
16:56, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Project_Active.png (file)Alihancelikcan18 KB 1
16:55, 16 June 2013AUC_Turkey_Project.png (file)Alihancelikcan19 KB 2
16:00, 16 June 2013Photo_19.jpg (file)FoteiniKal47 KB 1
15:58, 16 June 2013Photo_10.jpg (file)FoteiniKal83 KB 1
15:42, 16 June 2013AnatoliaGreece_team.png (file)FoteiniKal52 KB 1
15:19, 16 June 2013Maps-world-map-02.jpg (file)Alihancelikcan49 KB 1
13:32, 16 June 2013IMG_20130612_2-1.png (file)Ykm0820319 KB 1

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