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File list

descDate Name User Size Description Versions
20:30, 8 May 2013IMG_0166.jpg (file)Gracemanning58 KB (March 9th B)1
20:27, 8 May 2013IMG_0165.jpg (file)Gracemanning2.24 MB (March 9th A)1
19:00, 8 May 20132013-HS-Jamboree-wiki-header.png (file)Kitwa275 KB 1
13:12, 7 May 2013Dr_burke_thumbnail.jpg (file)Paul Fady15 KB 1
13:10, 7 May 2013Dr_burke.jpg (file)Paul Fady1.29 MB 1
17:20, 6 May 2013Louis.JPG (file)Louisdeb867 KB (Reverted to version as of 16:56, 6 May 2013)4
17:19, 6 May 2013Louis_thumbnail.jpg (file)Louisdeb24 KB 1
17:18, 6 May 2013Fady.JPG (file)Paul Fady1.99 MB 3
17:17, 6 May 2013Wilkinson_thumbnail.jpg (file)Paul Fady34 KB 1
17:17, 6 May 2013Levin_thumbnail.jpg (file)Paul Fady34 KB 1
17:16, 6 May 2013Guy_thumbnail.jpg (file)Paul Fady35 KB 1
17:16, 6 May 2013Fady_thumbnail.JPG (file)Paul Fady44 KB 1
17:01, 6 May 2013Louis.jpg (file)Louisdeb24 KB 1
17:00, 6 May 2013Untitled-1.jpg (file)Louisdeb24 KB 1
15:40, 6 May 2013Operon_2.png (file)Paul Fady21 KB 1
15:39, 6 May 2013Operon_1.png (file)Paul Fady24 KB (Reverted to version as of 12:47, 2 May 2013)3
15:16, 6 May 2013Banner.jpg (file)Louisdeb34 KB 2
13:56, 6 May 2013Shafer.jpg (file)Mreetz26 KB 1
13:55, 6 May 2013Piper.jpg (file)Mreetz21 KB 1
13:55, 6 May 2013Molly.jpg (file)Mreetz44 KB 1
13:55, 6 May 2013Legge.jpg (file)Mreetz37 KB 1
13:55, 6 May 2013Bozo.jpg (file)Mreetz42 KB 1
13:55, 6 May 2013Amna.jpg (file)Mreetz23 KB 1
13:53, 6 May 2013Tyler.jpg (file)Mreetz39 KB 1
13:53, 6 May 2013Mac.jpg (file)Mreetz42 KB 1
13:51, 6 May 2013Meredith.jpg (file)Mreetz42 KB 1
13:49, 6 May 20136f0ab185a3e4e6976a0c6357ceaaad52_large.jpg (file)Mollypetrous137 KB 1
13:42, 6 May 2013Maddie.jpg (file)Mreetz39 KB 1
13:37, 6 May 2013Mackenzie.png (file)Mollypetrous137 KB 1
23:29, 3 May 2013TPHS_SanDiego_logo2.jpg (file)Mokhshan107 KB 4
23:17, 3 May 2013TPHS_SanDiego_logo.png (file)Mokhshan61 KB 4
12:57, 3 May 2013Wilkinson.jpg (file)Louisdeb638 KB 1
12:56, 3 May 2013Levin.jpg (file)Louisdeb660 KB 1
12:55, 3 May 2013Guy.jpg (file)Louisdeb2.02 MB 1
16:29, 2 May 20132012_HS_IFA2.jpg (file)TLOS201 KB (iGEM HS 2012 Jamboree iGEM From Above)1
23:18, 1 May 2013AgencytestBackground.png (file)Grant H14 KB (Version 2.0)1
16:41, 1 May 2013Header_img_1.jpg (file)Louisdeb76 KB 1
05:19, 1 May 2013AgencyRecombanationControl.jpg (file)Grant H449 KB (The_Agency_Escondido's red lawn proving the efficiency of our recombination protocol.)1
05:17, 1 May 2013AgencyTransformationCTRL2013.jpg (file)Grant H414 KB (The_Agency_Escondido's red lawn proving the efficiency of our transformation protocol and our source of competent cells.)1
05:15, 1 May 2013AgencyLBLigationCtrl2013.jpg (file)Grant H471 KB (The_Agency_Escondido's red lawn proving the efficiency of our ligation protocol.)1
23:37, 30 April 2013Grey_carpet_2013.png (file)Ben.J11 KB (Background)1
16:59, 30 April 2013Operon_3_diagram.pdf (file)Louisdeb504 KB (PDF diagram of operon 3)1
16:45, 30 April 2013Operon_2_diagram.pdf (file)Louisdeb461 KB (PDF diagram for operon 2)1
16:19, 23 April 2013Bblarge.jpg (file)LK1123589 KB 2
16:19, 23 April 2013Lyme-disease.jpg (file)LK1123574 KB 2
16:13, 23 April 2013Spirochete.jpg (file)LK1123529 KB 1
01:21, 23 April 2013DowntownSD.png (file)Mokhshan4.86 MB 1
01:17, 23 April 2013Sunset.JPG (file)Mokhshan4.86 MB 7
22:37, 22 April 2013IMG_0051.PNG (file)Mokhshan431 KB 1
23:16, 18 April 2013Banner2.png (file)Meaton2222513 KB 2

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