Revision as of 20:00, 4 June 2013 by Melissaigem2013 (Talk | contribs)
Official Team Profile |
Jasmina Prabhakara
Leanne Lupone
Manasa Raman
Jasmine Garani
Anastasia Alekseyeva
Seth Judson
Divya Muthusamy
Raghav Sundar
Ryan McCann
Thomas Cohen
Isabelle Leo
Kristine Moran
Rishi Gupta
Niharika Kareddy
Melissa Langley
Melissa is a sophomore and the 2012-2013 school year was her first iGem experience. She is interested in biology and is looking forward to taking Sharon High School biology and other science courses in the future. She has enjoyed the unique experience iGem provides and plans to continue with the club in the future.