Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/Software-Function


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This section, explains in detail the role of each part in the machine, it's logic and construction.

This is a diagram or picture we made in order to visualize the basic connections of the Machine. It's not 100% accurate, and it is subject to change, but it served as a fundamental basis. Because with it, we can have a view of what we are trying to achieve.

Every part detailed in the last section can be observed in the diagram, except for the ones used in the construction of the pump (The one of color red and white).

We made this flow diagram to explain the basic function of the Machine, which is quite straight-forward. The diagram is using certain terms, variables and other stuff we did in order to understand it. It goes like this: First the machine is turned on, next it will start receiving information from the sensors, it compares a variable with a temperature of 37 Celsius Degrees, after that it takes a decision.

If 'A' was less than 37, then it starts a process, in which 'A' must go up, in order to do that, 'R' which is the resistor, is used for little time (15 seconds) and turns off. A delay of 1 min, takes place and then 'checks' a time lapse, if 16 hours have passed. Lets consider that 16 hours, haven't passed yet. The flow returns to the initial comparison, of 'A' with 37 degrees.

If 'A' was bigger or equal to 37, then a delay of 1 min takes place, and a comparison is made. If 16 have passed or not. Considering the 16 hours haven't passed, then it returns to the first comparison, of 'A' with 37. This can be described as the first phase of the basic function, in which the growth control, takes place. The next phase, starts after a lapse of 16 hours, in which the production control takes place.

In this phase, 'M' a short therm for the motor or pump, is turned on. We declare that input information from B, will received. A comparison is made, with 'B', which is the second temperature sensor probe. We have placed the sensor in an specific location in the container, thus enabling us to use some logic there. In other words, we can assume when water is on the container by using the readings in sensor B. If it's lower than 37, then water hasn't made contact with the sensor yet and the motor keeps pumping water, but if its bigger or equal, then we can assume water is in there! So the water pump is turned off.

After water is in the container or 'B' was bigger or equal than 37, another comparison is made, this time with 20 Celsius Degrees. If its bigger than 20, then a process begins, in which 'B' must go down, so temperature must fall. That box, starts and turns the heat disperser on (for 1 min), and has a delay of 1 minute. Then it returns to the comparison of 20.

If its smaller or equal than 20, a delay of 1 minute takes place. A process begins, which turns 'L' on. 'L' is a term for the black light we will be using. In other words, the UV LED s, are turned on, and we declare input with variable 'E' being equal to the wavelength of the light reflected in the solution or medium. If its not between 400nm and 500nm, then it returns to the comparison of 20. If its true, then the machine is turned off.

Note: We decided to change 37 in 'B', for 30, since the temperature of water may fall a little bit, while travelling in the pump. It also falls during the time lapse, that would take to fill the other container. Delays between the processes affect too, this is why we changed that number. Also, the last process in which 'E' is reading the wavelength, is subject to change. Rather than using a sensor to sense it, we could use our very own eyes to see it, and afterwards turn off the machine.

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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe