Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/WetLab-Results


Revision as of 00:16, 22 June 2013 by Lilycn4 (Talk | contribs)


Here there is a construction map of the circuit:

We had a lot of problems with the part "PCC1" because there were problems when it was synthesized. When we cut it it only cut in one size couldn't cut it as we expected but we used it in the ligation anyways because all the other parts cut very well except this one. The part "PUC-57" worked very well while cutting with the restriction enzymes and at the ligation. For the Friday 21th, 2013, we got colonies of both ligations. We think the "PCC1" is not a good ligation because it did not released the fragment. But we are going to characterize the part with the "PUC-57" the next week. We cannot be sured right now because it doesn't have a reporter.

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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe