Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/Project-Idea
Problem - Our Model - Important Aspects
Our model - Return
The first part is about a regulable promoter the one that is repressed by the cI lambda (in the parts registry this promoter is named as R0051), linked to a rbs and followed by the Vip3ca3, ending with another rbs. This part did not exist prior to the registration of parts, for this reason we have considered to insert it as a new part, by converting it into a bioBrick with the standard cutting sites. That’s why it was requested to be synthesized for a more practical use, and not found marketed directly. After the rbs we will assembly manually a reporter to notice that the production of the Vip3Ca3 is actually occurring. In this case we will use the GFP reporter with degradation tag LVA in order to see if the Vip3Ca3 production is actually occurring. Later we are going to explain a little more about the degradation tag.
The second part has of a constitutive promoter and a riboswitch that will regulate, by temperature, the Vip3ca3 production. After the riboswitch the gene that will be expressed is the Vip3Ca3, then a RBS in order to add a repressor after this. It was decided to synthesize these parts for the assembly because it was more practical. After the synthesized parts, we are going to assembly manually adding the repressor lamba cI (In the parts registry is located as the C0051).
Important Aspects - Return
To spread our bacteria in the field, we have a mode of a robot constructed by our team, to develop this task, and make more efficient the work. This has the purpose to take advantage of the ground conditions for the spread of bacteria. You can see a little more about this model of the robot in the software section. Our goal is to have another way to combat or eliminate the problem of the plagues that in this case is the worm white in the crop potato in a secure way which controls the system regulating the production.
This is with the objective to avoid:
- Overproduction One of the purposes of our work is to function as a model, in what the riboswitch and the toxin can be exchanged for other kind of riboswitches that sense another thing, and other kind of pesticides that affect other insects, OR another reporter instead of GFP. |
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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe |