Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/Software-Machine'sOverview
The Machine's Overview
Our project’s aim is to develop a system or tool that can automate the process of experimentation with our project. A machine which would enable the user to regulate the temperature of E-Coli, in order to produce the Vip3Ca3 and transport it in different containers while keeping the rate of the bacterium’s population controlled.
This project has the aim as described before, to produce Vip3Ca3 while regulating the growth and production of the bacteria’s population. It's machine that helps with experiments. This is achieved using the following designed system:
Look at the following graph.
You may notice the growth line going down when time extends too much. This happens during a long time lapse, which we mentioned at the beginning. Bacteria’s will die after a long time lapse. We should at least, produce Vip3Ca3 before these events take place.
That’s where the resistors and heat sinks come in. We power the resistors to produce heat, and we power the fans, or heat sinks to dissipate heat, this way, we alter the line of growth. But, if we turn them on, how do you know when to turn them off? How are we going to control that? We can control it using temperature sensor probes, which are waterproof thus protecting them from water and allowing us to receive a sharper and more precise lecture. The data received from this sensors, is related to temperature. |
Yet, this doesn't tell us how we are controlling the temperature. Even with sensors and outputs (resistors and heat sinks) we can’t do much. We need something that can manipulate all the data, and that’s where the micro-controller comes into play.
This allows us to connect in a prototype like way, all of the output devices, or inputs, and manipulate them trough the means of code! The code used to program Arduino, Is based on Processing and is written in Java. It has functionality similar to C/C++.
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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe |