Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/HP-SchoolDiffusion-SchoolTalks


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Human Practices
School Talks

Institute Independence (Date: March 15, 2013)
Descrption:This was the second day of action of human practices CIDEB-IGEM´s team. With the intention of spreading iGEM and synthetic biology we went to Institute Independence located in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. When we arrived we met Professor Martha Alejandra Hernandez Del Valle who kindly lent us her two groups of ninth grade to talk about iGEM and synthetic biology, the groups were composed of 20 students. We set out to provide the first class where we met the students, arriving we discussed in the presentation, a brief introduction about everything we do, which is Synthetic biology and iGEM. The students were very interested that they began to ask questions. We caused great impact on this visit, as some students to ask more about iGEM and how could they join it, other noticed that biology is very fun.

Activity: Extract DNA from a banana.
Objective:To attract students to the fascinating world of Synthetic Biology with a simple practice.
Materials: - Glass - Fork - Dish - Strainer or paper napkin - Banana - Liquid Soap - Salt - Pineapple Natural Juice - Alcohol
Step 1: Grind the banana with a fork until it is a slurry.
Step 2: Meets the resultant banana porridge and add a teaspoon of liquid soap and stir.
Step 3: It adds a pinch of salt and stir again.
Step 4: Then all together and add few pineapple juice.
Step 5: Napkin With filtered through the spleen napkin.
Step 6: Alcohol is added to the vessel with the cast and banana slurry.
Step 7: Ready is time to enjoy our banana DNA.

Institute Francisco Javier Mina (Date: March 19, 2013)
Descrption:For this contest, this was the first school visited for IGEM CIDEB 2013´s Human Practices Team; the school was the Instituto Francisco Javier Mina which is a junior high. We visited both groups of 9th grade, in total It were approximately 60 students. The didactic was exposing them in their classroom for not join both groups. Within the class topics were basic concepts about DNA, Proteins, Genetic Engineering, Biobricks and Synthetic Biology, Ethics and finally obviously what Igem is and means. Most of the students were very interested although the explanation was just in theory. Even some of the students participated asking questions about the ethics and its role here, the principal of this school was very happy because we cared teach them this topics.

Activity: You own DNA extraction.
Objective:To show the students how easy is to extract DNA explaining with details the causes of using each ingredient.
Materials: - Water - Transparent Soap - Food Coloring - Salt - Isopropyl Alcohol 70% - 5 transparent beakers - Spoon - Agitator - Measuring Cup
Step 1: Mix 500 ml of water with 1/8 cup of salt. Move the water with a spoon until the salt dissolves.
Step 2: Transfer 3 cups of salted water to a beaker.
Step 3: Rinse your mouth with salted water for 1 minute.
Step 4: Spit the water into another beaker (At this point of your cheek cells are suspended in salt water).
Step 5: Pour a little washing in a glass transparent avoiding bubbles. Mixing with a stirrer the soap with saltwater. (This breaks down cell membranes liberating DNA).
Step 6: In another beaker mix 100ml of isopropyl alcohol and 3 drops of food coloring.
Step 7: Tilt the glass of salt water and poured alcohol dye forming a top layer.
Step 8: Wait 3 minutes and start to see little white lumps that's your DNA.

Junior High #72 "Emma Godoy" (Date: May 24, 2013)
Descrption:This time we attended Junior High # 72 Emma Godoy, located in Pico de Orizaba no. 140 here in Monterrey Nuevo Leon. For this talk we were assigned first-year students, who are divided into 4 meeting 40 children each. Exposure of the subjects got easier because they had attended the Tunnel of Synthetic Biology which was held last year by the members of IGEM UANL. We are dedicated to explain subjects so a little deeper and thanks that they already have prior information, at the end of the talk they have the chance to clarify their doubts more openly. Many of them showed great enthusiasm wondering about the techniques we used in the lab or on the resolution of certain problems, including losing their rest time. Another thing that caught them attention was those not only do the extraction of DNA from the banana, also they could make his own saliva extraction, realizing you do not need a large laboratory in order to do what you like.

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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe