Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/HP-MultimediaDiffusion-FarmerInterview


Revision as of 14:55, 21 June 2013 by Liza vallejo (Talk | contribs)

Human Practices
Multimedia Diffusion

Farmer Interview

Description: On April 2nd of 2013, we made a visit to Galeana, Nuevo León, where we realized an investigation in order to contact a farmer whom was specialized in growing potatoes and we interviewed him about his methods for caring his crops. This was because the potato is a crop which is affected by “gallina ciega”, this last the plague we want to attack. After a day, we get an appointment with Mr Ruiz Cudberto and he welcomed us to his house to perform a series of questions about his time as a farmer and his experience with this plague.

The reason we choose Galeana , Nuevo León is by its position as a leading state in potato production in 2009 with a total supply of 132,700 tons. In general, the agriculture in this state produces approximately a total of 15,876 million pesos, when 8,300 million are generated by Galeana, produced mainly by potato crops.

The main purpose of this interview if to measure how much acceptance and impact has our project in this area, as the potato is very expensive to produce.

Since we spoke with a skilled person in potato crop production, we can see that the problem of “Gallina Ciega” is serious and has long portrayed in this crops .The use of several chemicals have not been enough to stop the production of this plague, just to control it.

After our trip the people whom were informed about our project were very interested in this, so it is our duty to keep them informed about the progress of our work. We hope this project could be the start of serious investigations in order to eradicate this plague problem, because a huge amount of product is wasted by the attack of these insects.

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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe