Team:CIDEB-UANL Mexico/WetLab-Results


Revision as of 00:15, 22 June 2013 by Lilycn4 (Talk | contribs)


Here there is a construction map of the circuit:

We had a lot of problems with the part "PCC1" because there were problems when it was synthesized. We couldn't cut it but we tried to ligate it. The part "PUC-57" worked very well while cutting with the restriction enzymes and at the ligation. For the Friday 21th, 2013, we got colonies of both ligations. We think the "PCC1" is not a good ligation because it did not released the fragment. But we are going to characterize the part with the "PUC-57" the next week. We cannot be sured right now because it doesn't have a reporter.

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CIDEB UANL Team. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe