Team:Lethbridge Canada/presentations


Revision as of 17:40, 19 June 2013 by Chris.isaac (Talk | contribs)

As an extension of our Human Practices and Outreach component of this year's project we also contacted our local school boards to inform them of what we are doing. Specifically with the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division No. 4 we gave a short presentation to the members of the board about synthetic biology as a whole, as well as more specifically with providing a surface level understanding of our oxytocin project. We presented on the 22nd of May during their monthly meeting for about 10 minutes with the hope of facilitating a better understanding of synthetic biology since it is a newly emerging field. Following the presentation, the members of the board seemed to show an interest in what we are doing and gave us some positive feedback. They also brought up some questions that we should look into. As a whole, the board was supportive of our research and wishes us all of the best in our future with synthetic biology.

Additionally, expanded upon of focus of education by presenting to students at a Junior High School / Middle School. The aim of our presentation was to increase knowledge and awareness of synthetic biology as well as generate interest in the program for next year. Our presentation covered the very basics of synthetic biology, such as DNA, assembly, as well as future and current uses of genetic engineering. Included in the presentation, was a short crossword to maintain their interest and determine how much of the content had been absorbed by the students. In short, the scientifically minded youth in the classroom were generally receptive and excited to learn about synthetic biology, with motivated individuals asking how they could become a part of an iGEM in the future.

The story of our Human Practices and Outreach component is not open and shut. We plan to continue our involvement in the community well after this season is over. In September, we plan to incorporate our experience from the Jamboree into another presentation delivered to Lethbridge School District No. 51 members. We hope that our persistent involvement with students and the community at large will lead to greater understanding and support of the program.